Sunday, January 3, 2010

Vacation Wrap-Up

As usual, my plans for the vacation were overly ambitious and I didn't accomplish half of what I wanted to.  However, on the eve of returning to school and work, I'm going to remind myself of what I did get done and be glad of it!

1.  Got to the doctor for my annual physical and assorted tests.  Most came back just fine, although I do need to work on the cholesterol.

2.  Dealt with Mt. Washmore!  Not only is all of the laundry caught up, folded and put away, I even got to some of the hand washables!  Not only that, but I even ironed all of the DH's shirts, his pants, my pants for tomorrow and several of my shirts.  Wow!  (I'd been ironing one shirt each morning.  Not good.)

3.  Did some deep cleaning in the kitchen and the back room.  While the kitchen can still use some work, I spent a day moving most of the furniture in the back room in order to vacuum and wash underneath it.  Even did the laundry area!  (Parts of which hadn't been done in literally YEARS!)

4.  Took the girls to the park twice, played Monopoly twice (although the second time was a disaster -- maybe I'll blog about that later), had one sleepover here and the other child had a sleepover at a friend's.)

What I didn't get done:

1.  Not too much planning for school.  Oh, I did come up with an idea for my kinders which I bounced off of the team (on Facebook -- how do you like that?  Lesson planning on Facebook!)  And I did a little work this afternoon while the girls were at the park.

2.  Didn't get out to the back yard to do any work. 

3.  Didn't get to Sabino Canyon.

I'm not going to fret over #1 & 2 overly much -- I'm ready enough for tomorrow and the back yard isn't going anywhere.  The inside of the house is much more functional right now and that should end up creating time down the road to get out there.  However, I do wish that we had gotten to the canyon.  It's beautiful there this time of year.  Well, we've got MLK day coming up in a couple of weeks -- perhaps then!

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